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Privacy Policy


I. Scope

II. Personal data collected by Lapis Luminis

III. The purpose and bases of the processing of personal data

IV. Sharing of personal data and transmission abroad

V. Data Security

VI. Duration of retention of personal data

VII. Rights of data subjects and contact

VIII. Privacy Policy Updates

IX. Interpretation


I. Scope


This Privacy Policy applies to personal data collected (i) from Lapis Luminis customers on users of the Lapis Luminis website (the “Site“), hereinafter the “Data Subjects“. The Privacy Policy aims to inform Data Subjects about the type of personal data collected by Lapis Luminis, the nature and purposes of the processing of such personal data and the rights of Data Subjects in this context.

“Lapis Luminis” trademark of the company Call Me Gems SA, whose head office is located at avenue de Miremont 26. 1206 Geneva, Switzerland.


II. Personal data collected by Lapis Luminis

“Personal Data” means all information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (eg: surname, first name, address, email address).

Lapis Luminis collects the following Personal Data, when creating a customer account in store or on the Site, when using the Site, when tracking orders or when communicating with Data Subjects (for example when questions are asked on the Site). Some Personal Data may also be collected indirectly through external sources, in particular public ones (for example publications or databases).

Personal Data includes:

- Contact data: surname, first name, postal address, billing address, email address, telephone number, date of birth;

- Financial data: bank details and billing details;

- IP address (when using the Site)

III. The purpose and legal bases of the processing of Personal Data

The processing of Personal Data includes the collection, recording, storage, use, modification, communication, archiving, erasure or destruction of data.

In general, Lapis Luminis collects and processes Personal Data in the context of its professional activities, including the fulfillment of its legal or regulatory obligations, (hereinafter the "Purposes") and according to the legal bases set out below. :

-  As part of the performance and management of the contractual relationship between Lapis Luminis and the Data Subject, and in particular for the following purposes:

-  Creation and management of the customer account;

-  Processing and follow-up of orders or repairs;provision of information relating to Lapis Luminis products;

-  Other processing related to the execution and management of the contractual relationship.

-  As part of the performance of legal and regulatory obligations, which may arise from the laws of countries other than that of residence of the Data Subject, and in particular for the following purposes:

-  Checks related to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism;

-  Provision of information required by customs authorities in connection with the processing of an order;

-  Response to a request from a judicial or administrative authority;

-  Applicable Transaction Reporting Obligations.

-  As part of the pursuit of the legitimate interests of Lapis Luminis and in particular for the following purposes:

-  Site and IT infrastructure management;

-  Maintenance and security of premises and infrastructure;

-  Sending offers and advertisements in connection with Lapis Luminis products or services;

-  Analysis, evaluation and improvement of the quality of customer service;

- Analysis and anticipation of the consumption habits, behaviors, interests and personal preferences of Data Subjects (profiling), in particular for the configuration of targeted advertising;

-  Personalization of the offer of products and services;

-  Recognition, exercise or defense of a legal right.

-  On the basis of the Data Subject's consent for any processing of Personal Data that cannot be based on the above Purposes, in particular for the following purposes:

-  Invitation to events organized by Lapis Luminis;

-  Sending Lapis Luminis newsletters; and

-  For any other Purpose for which the Data Subject has given consent.

The Data Subject may withdraw their consent at any time. However, his consent remains valid for any processing of Personal Data carried out prior to the withdrawal of his consent.

When Data Subjects authorize a social network (such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to share personal data with Lapis Luminis, Lapis Luminis may receive the personal data that Data Subjects publicly share on that social network, such as contact information. (e.g. name, email address, gender, list of friends or contacts) or information they post on their profile (e.g. profile picture or likes).


IV. Sharing of Personal Data and transmission abroad

Lapis Luminis may share the Personal Data provided by Data Subjects with entities of the Lapis Luminis group, its subcontractors or business partners to carry out operations related to the provision of its products and services, the management of the Site, or in any other way. more general to the activities of Lapis Luminis.

In particular, Lapis Luminis transmits the Personal Data of Data Subjects to the following categories of recipients:

- Site host, IT, payment and data storage service providers;

- Providers of communication services (for example in connection with the management of the Lapis Luminis newsletter and the social networks used by Lapis Luminis), events, marketing or other services in connection with the management of the Lapis Luminis customer base ;

- Providers of maintenance or repair services for Lapis Luminis products;

- Judicial or administrative authorities, upon request and to the extent permitted by law.

Personal Data is mainly processed in Switzerland or in the European Union. When Lapis Luminis transfers Personal Data to a country that has not been recognized as providing an adequate level of data protection compliance by the competent authority, Lapis Luminis implements the additional safeguards necessary to respect the rights of Persons Concerned, such as the establishment of standard contractual clauses applicable to the transfer.

Data Subjects may obtain additional information regarding the transfer of their Personal Data (including recipients, countries of destination and safeguards in place) by contacting Lapis Luminis at the address provided in Section 7 below.


V. Data Security

The Internet is an open network accessible to anyone and does not provide a secure environment. Lapis Luminis uses standard technologies and security measures to protect Personal Data from unauthorized access, illegal or abusive use, disclosure, loss, destruction or damage. Personal Data may be stored on the technological systems or paper files of Lapis Luminis or on those of the subcontractors of Lapis Luminis.


VI. Duration of retention of Personal Data

In principle, Lapis Luminis retains Personal Data for as long as Lapis Luminis needs it to achieve the Purposes or until the Data Subject withdraws their consent, or exercises their right to erasure, provided that Lapis Luminis is not not legally required or authorized to continue to hold such Personal Data (for example to establish, exercise and/or defend rights in the context of legal actions, investigations or similar proceedings).

Data Subjects may obtain additional information regarding the retention period of their Personal Data, or the criteria used to determine this period, by contacting Lapis Luminis at the address provided in Section 7 below.


VII. Rights of Data Subjects and contact

Data Subjects have the following rights at all times, subject to the limitations provided for by the applicable regulations:

- Right to access their Personal Data and to obtain a copy thereof;

- Right to have their Personal Data rectified or requested to be erased when they are inaccurate or incomplete;

- Right to request the erasure of their Personal Data when they are no longer necessary with regard to the Purposes for which they were collected or processed or when the Data Subject withdraws the necessary consent to the processing;

- Right to object for a legitimate reason to the processing of their Personal Data and right to object at any time to the processing of their Personal Data for prospecting purposes, including profiling related thereto;

- Right to request the limitation of the processing of their Personal Data;

- Right to withdraw at any time the consent they have given for the processing of their Personal Data;

- Right to obtain the Personal Data they have provided, in a commonly used electronic format; and

- Right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authorities regarding the processing of their Personal Data.

Even if a Data Subject objects to the processing of their Personal Data, Lapis Luminis is entitled to continue it if the processing is (i) required by law, (ii) necessary for the performance of a contract to which the Data Subject is a party, (iii) necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, or (iv) necessary for the legitimate and overriding interests of Lapis Luminis, including the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. Lapis Luminis will not use the Personal Data of Data Subjects for direct marketing purposes if they object.

For any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, as well as for the exercise of the rights mentioned above, Data Subjects may contact the Lapis Luminis Data Protection Officer at the following email address: , or by ordinary mail to the following address: Data Protection Officer, Call Me Gems SA, 26, avenue de Miremont, 1206 Geneva, Switzerland.


VIII. Privacy Policy Updates

Lapis Luminis reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy at any time. The latest updated version of the Privacy Policy is published on the Site and Lapis Luminis informs the Persons Concerned of any significant changes by the usual means of communication (eg email, telephone).


IX. Interpretation

The French version prevails in case of difference of interpretation.


Date of issue: March 2022

Champ d'application
Données personnelles collectées
Le but et les bases légales
Partage des Données personnelles
Sécurité des donées
Durée de conervation
Droits des Personnes concernées
Mises à jour de la Politique
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